Laura Reigada, Ph.D.
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Location: Virtual Sessions
Licensed in New York and Connecticut
Research on Emotion, Anxiety, Coping, and Health
REACH Lab RA's with Laura Reigada Ph.D
Dr. Laura Reigada and Ashley Polokowski presenting a poster.
REACH Lab RA's with Laura Reigada Ph.D
About REACH Lab
The REACH (Research on Emotion, Anxiety, Coping and Health) Lab at the City University of New York at The Graduate Center and Brooklyn College primarily investigates the complex intersection between physical illness and emotional well-being. This research focuses on broadening knowledge about the etiology, assessment, and treatment of anxiety among individuals living with chronic illness. Recent grant funded research investigated the efficacy of a health integrative cognitive-behavioral intervention targeting anxiety among youth diagnosed with chronic illness. Current doctoral and masters students are utilizing this research to investigate specific concerns of youth living with chronic illness, youth’s perception of their disease, and the role of the family in child adjustment.
The REACH Lab also conducts social psychology research, investigating the development and existence of various emotions and their effects on behavior and social interaction. Currently, the focus is on how cognitive techniques (e.g., cognitive restructuring, mindfulness, compassionate imagery) may affect emotion regulation, particularly in novel paradigms.
Overall, our lab investigates these topics through an applied clinical approach to determine the efficacy of various techniques and treatments in overcoming psychiatric symptoms or altering emotions.
Research Assistants: Students in the lab partake in literature searches, entering and tracking data, managing participant recruitment, and delivering research protocols while being trained in research methodology, statistics, and specific treatments. Research assistants are often involved in paper submissions and grants.
Getting Involved
For more information on joining or collaborating with the REACH Lab contact Dr. Laura Reigada at